team performing as an orchestra musical team building challenge music

The Orchestra and High Performance Teams

Published on 3 Oct 2007

An interesting comparison and something we can all learn from is the orchestra, where each individual’s reputation is at stake every time they go to work. Think about it, if the orchestra doesn’t deliver, the customer is going to put fault on the entire team and not just on that one musician that played a dud note. It’s never the cellist who played an F sharp instead of an F, or the flutist who rushed her solo – it’s the orchestra, the whole team who failed! The company produced a poor product.

In order to avoid a disappointed customer, it is vital that each musician works with the team and functions as a support mechanism for the other musicians. Every musician has a responsibility to the team, and only when they are working together will they create beautiful music. In a nut shell, if you want to be known as the best musician in town, you’d darn well better make sure you look after the guys around you. If they don’t sound good, you don’t sound good.

The quality an orchestral musician must obtain is one of generosity. The more they give to the team, the more they will receive. If you can inspire the violinists in your section to play with conviction and passion, this will ultimately reward you. If the violin section can then inspire the cellists, then everybody wins.

Inspiring the people around you can only benefit you in the long run. As a team member, think like an orchestral musician and don’t try to out play your band mates.

By Duncan McKee, Musician, Composer, Educator & Creator of the STIX-Motivation Through Music™ workshops

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