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How to build stronger remote teams

Published on 15 Jan 2021 by David Simpson

Since last year, we have all become familiar with working remotely. As we go back and forth, working remotely or in-office whenever we need or can, we can establish a hybrid workplace model. However, sudden changes can still throw us off quickly as we need to shift our schedules and they can have a high impact on mental health.

Whether you’re working at a fully remote company or simply have a handful of distributed workers, there are steps you can take to overcome the challenges of remote work and make it easier on everyone. Here are 5 tips to build a strong and resilient remote workforce:

  1. Make work accessible and easy to find – create simplicity in procedures and make everything accessible online, this makes remote work so much easier
  2. Create opportunities for making personal connections
  3. Learn how best to communicate with individual members – remote workers don’t have the luxury to show when they are busy or not, they can end up being interrupted so frequently that they start making themselves less and less available to teammates. Consider having team members proactively share communication preferences.
  4. Hold weekly team meetings that include everyone – depending on your needs and resources.
  5. Share daily updates to build awareness of what’s happening no matter where everyone’s working from.

Start connecting and strengthening your remote team. Managing a remote team is about keeping alignment, developing healthy communication habits and fostering the connections that help you and your team work better together. Create that culture and build connections. This is guaranteed to pay off in the long run.

Here’s to resilient remote teams!

David Simpson

Co-Founder & Training Director at Team Building Asia

Challenging people to reach their highest potential through experiential, interactive and fun workshops with a strong and meaningful business outcome.

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