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Is your organisation translating its values into action?

Published on 26 May 2021 by Stuart Harris

The 2021 Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends report identified emerging priorities for today’s leaders, “Translating organisational values into action” is one of them.

As disruption becomes the new normal, an organisation’s sensing capabilities become a priority. It’s important to collect internal and external sensing data to optimise organisational values and the way staff are aligned with them – but it also challenges the way organisations take actions and whether it’s necessary to find new actionable ways to make measurable progress.

Here’s a summary of the 4 questions to ask your organisation in order to translate values into action:

  • Relationships: How does our organisation treat its staff, associates, service providers? The way your employees feel is the way your customers feel.
  • D&I: Are our employees from diverse communities able to influence the organisation?
  • Human capital brand: How is our culture, workforce and leadership being portrayed externally?
  • Cultural risk perception: Can we observe any signals that indicate unusual employee behaviour or norms?

To meet evolving talent needs, build flexibility and resilience, and drive better workforce management, organisations must prioritise their strategies, data and insights to run the gamut of stakeholders, for short- as well as long-term measures.

Here’s to organisations that translate their values into action!

PS: value assimilation is the first step towards translating values into action, read here how your leaders can assimilate values.

Stuart Harris

Co-Founder and Managing Director at Team Building Asia

Stuart Harris has built Team Building Asia into Asia's most prestigious and effective team building company.

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