Worldwide Event Management embrace BS8901

Published on 3 May 2010

The aim of organisers of World Event Management's annual conference was to run a team building activity that was compliant with BS8901. BS8901 Sustainability in Event Management is a new standard that has been designed specifically for the events industry with a purpose of assisting the industry to operate in a more sustainable manner. The Catalyst team building activity Rages to Riches was the perfect choice to meet the requirements of the new standard.

What happened on the day?

Delegates were invited to bring pre-loved clothing along to the event. On the day, guided by a unique matrix teams worked to position their clothing donations in pre-determined areas to create a giant version of the World Event Management logo. The final logo looked amazing and the activity was a fabulous celebration of the amazing things that can be achieved when people work together towards a common goal.

As a requirement from organisations undertaking the BS8901, they need to understand and identify the effects that their activities have sustainability and ensure that measures are put in place to minimise the impacts made by the organisation and on the wider economy. Rages to Riches was one aspect of the event that really met this target.

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