The Big Picture

Teams collaborate to create a giant painting reflecting company values.

3 - 3.5 hours
Indoors and Outdoors
12 - Unlimited


The Big Picture team building exercise commences with individuals joining into small teams. Teams collect brushes, paint, a diagram outlining their individual canvas and, a blank canvas. They then set about as a team to mix paints to create the right colours and paint their canvas. Soon into the exercise, teams realise that in order for the overall artwork to be successful they need to collaborate with other teams. Once complete, the highlight of The Big Picture is the final reveal where, following a debriefing session, the masterpiece is unveiled to all participants for the first time, which always results in loud cheers and thunderous applause.

Learning Outcomes

Every now and then it is important to step back and look at the ‘big picture’, particularly when looking at an organisation and how its people operate and communicate internally. In The Big Picture the importance of teamwork, cooperation and communication is reinforced through the process of painting an artistic masterpiece of truly epic proportions. Prior to the activity, our graphic designers work with you to create an artwork that is reflective of your goals, values, mission and vision. Inspirational in its scale, and with a spectacular reveal, The Big Picture is truly a golden moment for any company to celebrate a shared vision and be inclusive with its employees.

We are still living with nice memories from your organised event The Big Picture. I have heard only good things from my colleagues. Everything was wonderful! Now I suggest The Big Picture to all my acquaintances. Thank you!

Andis Zalpēteris
Latvian State Forests

together apartRemote - Hybrid - Multilocation

This activity has been designed for face-to-face, remote, hybrid and multi-locational teams. If your team is working from home, in different regional office locations or in different countries ask us about the remote or hybrid version of this activity. Get in touch to find out how we can customise this experience for your team.

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