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Transforming Stress

Published on 1 Aug 2007

Stress - It's the quintessential buzz word of modern life. It hangs on everyone's lips from when the screeching alarm clock wakes us up in the morning through to the chaos of our daily lives. Countless articles and studies tell the same story: lives controlled by unmanaged stress end early and none too well.

Stress has become so pervasive that we have simply adapted to this unhealthy condition. Too much stress, creates overload, your creativity and clarity decline, you start to have more aches and pains, fragmented thinking and negative attitudes. Stress ages us before our time and robs us of our vitality and enjoyment of life.

The HeartMath method for transforming stress isn’t just another stress management or coping system. It’s a breakthrough solution that shows you how to transform emotional and mental energy into new, satisfying feelings and intelligent perceptions that ease the stress. It goes to the heart of the matter to give you the power over the automatic stress responses that have become etched into your neural circuitry.

Heartmath provides a simple, straightforward method whereby you can learn and practice to literally transform stress by shifting the heart's own rhythms.

At the core of the HeartMath method of emotional regulation is the idea that, by focusing on positive feelings such as appreciation, care, or compassion, anyone can create dramatic changes in his or her heart rhythms. These changes precipitate a series of neural, hormonal, and biochemical events that dissipate stress and anger and lead to greater well-being. The benefits from using this system are remarkable and far-reaching: blood pressure drops, stress hormone levels fall, immune system activity increases, and anti-aging hormone levels rise. By developing the ability to use your heart rhythms to counteract stressful feelings, you can transform the physiology of stress into the physiology of quick recovery, increased energy, and new insight.

The HeartMath method involves two key components; learning stress management tools and monitoring progress using the emWave®technology. Using the emWave® fingertip or ear pulse sensor connected to a computer you can watch in real time how thoughts and emotions affect your heart and autonomic nervous system. With the emWave® PC you can objectively monitor your heart rhythms and confirm when you have achieved autonomic nervous system balance. It's like a mirror of your emotional state, and this real-time feedback enables you to more effectively manage your levels of stress and negative emotions. This helps you stay in a zone of focused clarity, optimal health, and high performance. Changes brought about through this method are fast-acting and long-lasting, and the perfect antidote to our chaotic and fast-paced lives.

Luke Vedelago is a Stress Management consultant at Desana, and has been providing HeartMath based programs and workshops for over 6 years. For further information about up coming events or private consultation please contact Desana on 9383 9997

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