Team Building with Purpose

Giving Back for Increased Satisfaction & Success

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a fast-growing movement in organisations. Using it at a team-building event develops a sense of community among teams by giving them a common goal to work towards. This can have an immediate positive impact on their workplaces and help attract new talent to your company.

Team Building Asia has developed a range of programs that not only help you develop deeper team connections and dynamics but will help your employees develop a sense of purpose by giving back to those in need and fostering greater workplace satisfaction.

On top of CSR, we know how important it is for teams to explore eco-friendly practices, raise awareness about environmental issues, and collaborate on sustainable solutions. By also offering sustainability-focused activities, we provide a platform to inspire employees to adopt sustainable behaviors both inside and outside the workplace, creating a lasting positive impact on the planet.

By emphasising ESG, we help teams develop a strong understanding of the broader impact of their actions and contribute to building a responsible corporate culture.

Learn how to:

  • Increase Employee Satisfaction
  • Deepen Community Connections & Sustainability Awareness
  • Enhance Engagement & Performance

Choose the best CSR team building activity for your team

Corporate Social Responsibility adds value to team development, subsequently also to your organisation's identity, and team building is an easy way to bring CSR into the picture. Investing in CSR initiatives enhances an organisation's authenticity and helps you connect with its markets, NGOs, and governments.

CSR team building experiences are much more than "just" CSR or "just" team building. Take Helping Hands for example: teams build a prosthetic hand for a landmine victim and throughout the process they have to cover their dominant hand, forcing them to use each hand in the team to build the prosthetic hand. In the Wheelchair Challenge, teams compete in challenges designed to limit them physically as they remove senses that we take for granted every day, with the final goal of building a wheelchair to be donated to those in need.

Regarding sustainability-focused programs, IMPACT educates people about the 17 UNSDGs to create a more sustainable future. Teams automatically make impacts as they complete challenges. For example, they plant a tree as they learn about the rainforest.

Browse our most popular team building activities below. Each has benefits and features, so find the one that suits you and your team best. Ultimately, all of them impact the greater good.

Look at this selection of related popular programmes.

Need help in deciding? Looking for something else? Don’t hesitate to contact us today to find out more.

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